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​I, like many had dabbled in various yoga classes over the years and thought I had a general idea of Yoga. But it was when I went to Valerie Fimat-Faneco's (Eka Yoga Institute) class in Singapore that I knew I had found the real deal and I would be doing this style of yoga for the rest of my life.​Initially when I embarked on my 2 year teaching training course in Singapore it was purely out of personal interest.  Over time I found I developed a passion for teaching in the tradition of T Krishnamacharya and had received a special gift too precious not to share.​After teaching in Singapore where I last lived for 16 years I'm looking forward to teaching now in New Zealand.​​MOMU - Momu was the name given to me by a teacher in Japan where I studied Japanese Calligraphy at Nippon Shodo  Senmon Gakkou for 4 years. ​​​​​​It can translate to the Sanskrit word - Śrāddha - faith, conviction, devotion, drive in a pursuit. From the Japanese translation it is faith, belief in your dream.​​​​​​

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